Food Power Cooking Standing
Time Time Special Notes
Beef Arrange in dish, Cover
Meat loaf, 11/2 Ib PS0 15 - 20 rain. 5 min. with wax paper.
Pork Place in a shallow dish.
Chops, loin 1/2inch Cover loosely with wax
thick, 7 oz each 1 P100 3 - 5 min. 2 min. paper.
2 PIO0 6 - 8 rain. 3rain. Turn over halfway
4 P100 9- 11 rain. 3min. through cooking.
Pork roast, Cover with wax paper.
1 Ib P50 12-15rain. 10-15min. Shield halfway through
cooking and turn roast
over if necessary.
Approx. temp. after
standing: 170°F (77°C)*
Ham, slice 1 inch Cover with wax paper.
thick, 1 Ib P100 7 - 9 min. 5min. Turn over halfway
through cooking.
Sausage links, Score or pierce before
Wieners, fresh cooking.
1 - 2 oz each 2 PIO0 1/2- 2 min. 1rain. Cover with wax paper.
4 PIO0 1 - 3 min. 1rain. Turn over once.
Bacon, slices Cook on bacon rack and
2 PIO0 11/2-2 min. 1 min. cover with a paper
4 P100 21/z- 4 min. 1 min. towel, or place bacon
between two sheets of
paper towel on dish. Do
not turn bacon over.
Lamb Cover loosely with wax
Chops, shoulder paper.
1/2inch thick 1 P100 2 -4 min. 2 min.
2 PIO0 4 -6 min. 5 rain.
Poultry Place breast-side down
Chickens, whole, on a roasting rack in a
up to 4 Ib dish. Cover with plastic
1 Ib PIO0 6- 9 min. 10 rain. wrap or wax paper.
Cornish hens Turn over halfway
1 Ib P100 5 -8 min. 10 min. through cooking. Stand
tented with foil. When
cooked, internal
temperature of thigh
should be 185°F (85°C)
and juices should run
*Check with conventional thermometer.