Jenn-Air SVE47600 Range User Manual

Grill Element
Foflowinstructionson page "r3 forremoving thegrillelement. The grillelement shouldnever
be immersed inwater. Most soilwillburn offduringuse. The terminal block may be cleaned
with a soapy sponge, Dry thoroughly before reinserting Inthe range.
These are made fromcast-iron which have been coated with porcelain enamel.
The gri!l-rocksshouldbe cleaned frequentlyor after any excessive build-upofgrease.
To clean tight soit,use detergent and a plasticscrubber, such as Tufty, or washin the
dishwasherifburnedonresidueisfirstremoved, Forheavy soil,soakinhot,soapywater
towhichacleanser, suchas householdammonia, hasbeen added. Stubbornspotson
grill-rocks,such as burned on residue from sauces, can bescrubbed witha stiffbristle
Anovencleaner,suchasEasy-Off, canbe usedforburnedonsoil. Fotlowmanufacturer's
directions;spray oncleaner and let soakovernight. Do not clean grill-rocksinthe self-
Porcelain Basin Pan
This area located under the grill-rocksand/orcartridges. Ctean after each use ofthe grill.
To remove light soil, clean with soapywater or spraywithcleansers suchas Fantastik
or 409, For easier cleanup: a) spray with a household cleanser; b) cover withpaper
towels;c) add small amount ofhotwater to keep the paper towels moist; d) cover and
wait 15 minutes; and e) wipe clean.
To remove moderate soil, scrub with Comet, Bon Ami, a softscrub cleanser or plastic
To remove stubborn soil, spray with an oven cleaner such as Easy-Off; let soak
overnight, wipe clean, rinse and dry.
Note: Clean the grease drain aftereach use. Toclean: Pour about lt3 cup of very hot tap
water mixed with 1teaspoon dish detergent down the drain. Inthe event the drainis clogged,
due to large food particles being trapped, use the nylon string that was packaged with your
range. To use the nylon string,simplyinsert one endinto the drain opening inthe basin pan.
Feed thenylon stringdown until itisvisible under the range. Now pullupon theend extending
out from the top while holding a paper towel around the string,toclean the stringas it isbeing
pulled. Thisshould freeanytrapped particlesoffood. Pouranotherl/3cupofveryhotwater
mixed with dish detergent to assure the drain is opened and clear.
Grease Containers
The conta_ers are locatedbehind the bottom access panel, underneath the range. (See page
44 foropeningaccesspanel.) There isonecontainerfor the leftsideand oneforthe rightside.
They collectgrease and otherliquids createdwhile grillingor usingsome ofthe accessories.
Checkeach timeafter gdJlingand emptywhengreaseisnoticeable. To remove, simplygrasp
the handle,and pullfromthe bracketholdingthe container.
Checkthe container periodicaUytopreventgreasefrom spilling
over. If this should happen, the grease will flow over the
containerandontothefloor,The containerandscrew-onhandle
can be washed in hot,soapy water or inthe dishwasher, The
containercan be replacedwithany heattempered jar, suchas
a canningjar, whichhas astandard screwneck.