To check STOP TIME: Hold in STOP TIME button until the words STOP TIM
appear in the Display Window. The stop time will be displayed briefly, then Display w
return to on-going program.
To change STOP TIME before cleaning begins:
1. Hold in STOP TIME button untilwords STOP TIME appear in the Display Windo
2. Turn SET dial to desired STOP TIME.
3. Push ENTER button to enter new stop time.
NOTE: If more than 7 seconds elapse between holding in START TIME button
STOPTIME button and turning the SETdial, the displaywindow will automatica
return to on-going program.
NOTE: Ifmore than 1minute elapses between turning SET dialto a newtime a
entering new STARTTIME and STOPTIME, the entire program will be cancel
and display will retum to time of day clock.
To stop cleaning process before lock indicator light comes on:
1. Move the DOOR LOCK LEVER to the left.
(NOTE W2410 and WW2460 OWNERS: Omitthis step.)
2. Turn SELECTOR and TEMPERATURE knobs from CLEAN to OFF.
3. Push CANCEL button twice.
To stop cleaning process after lock indicator light comes on:
1. Push CANCEL button twice.
2. Leave the TEMPERATURE and SELECTOR knobs in the CLEAN position,
3. Allow oven tocool until the LOCK INDICATOR LIGHT goes out. This may tak_
to 45 minutes, depending on how long the oven has been on.
4. After LOCKINDICATOR LIGHTgoes off, movethe DOOR LOCKLEVER tothe
(NOTE W2410 and WW2460 OWNERS: Door willautomatically unlock atthe
of cool down time.)
5. Turn SELECTOR and TEMPERATURE knobs from CLEAN to OFF,
NOTE: When SELECTOR knob is turned to CLEAN, a fan comes on. If this f_
isnotoperating, theovenwill gothroughthe self-cleaningprocessata reducedor,
temperature and the oven will not clean effectively. If the fan does not opera1
contact your Jenn-Air Authorized Service Contractor for service.