
Oven Cleaning
(self-cleaning instructions)
_During the self-cleaning
cycle, the outside of thelange can
become very hot to the touch_ DO NOT
leavesmalt children unattended nearthe
DO NOT line the oven
walls, racks or bottom with aluminum
foil.. Doing so will destroy heat
distribution during cleaning, and the
aluminum foil will melt to the oven
finish (causing permanent damage to
the oven).
Self-Cleaning Oven--A General Description
A self-cleaning oven cleans itself ,with high temperatures (well above cooking
temperatures) which eliminate soilcompletely or reduce it to a fine powdered ash
you can whisk away With a damp cloth..
Preparing the Oven for Self-Cleaning
1 Adhere to the following cleaning precautions:
°Allow the oven to coo! before precleaning
•Wear rubber gloves when precleaning and while wiping up the residue after
the self-clean cycle.
• DO NOT usecommercial oven cleaners or Ovenprotective coatings in or
around any part of the self-cleaning oven.
oDO NOT clean the ovendoor.. Thewoven gasket on the oven door is essential
for agood seat..Care shou!d be taken not to rub, damage or remove the seal.
-DO NOT use any commercial cleaning materials on the seal_Doing so could
damage it.
2. Removethe broiler pan and insert, all utensils and anyaluminum foil. These
items cannot withstand high cleaning temperature.
3. Oven racks may be left in the oven or may be removed. If they go through the
cleancycle their colorvvill turn slightly blue and the finish will be dull,, After the
cycleiscompleted and the oven hascooled, rub the sidesof the rackswith wax
paperor a cloth containing asmallamount of baby oil or saladoil Thiswill make
the racksglide easieronto the rack supports.
4. Removeany excessspilloversin the oven cavity before starting the self-cleaning
cycle..Toclean, usehot soapywater andacloth_Largespilloverscancauseheavy
smokeor fire when subjected to high temperatures. DO NOT allow food spills
with a high sugaror acidcontent (suchasmilk, tomatoes, sauerkraut, fruit juices
or pie filling) to remain on the surface asthey may causeadull spot even after
5. Cleanany soilfrom the ovenframe, the door liner outside the oven sealstrip and
the small area at the front center of the oven bottom.. These areas heat
sufficiently to burn soil on..Clean with soap and water.