Interpreter Parameters
This section describes the PostScript emulation interpreter parameters. There are
three types of interpreter parameters:
• User parameters
• System parameters
• Device parameters
To determine which parameters your printer supports, see Appendix C: “PostScript
Support” on page C-1.
User Parameters
The following user parameters are used by setuserparams and currentuserparams.
If a value is requested that is not within the range for the requested parameter, the
minimum (or maximum) value is used.
If a setuserparams value does not match the type of the specified parameter, a
typecheck error occurs. If a parameter is not supported by the printer, it is ignored.
An attempt to change the value of a read-only parameter has no effect on the
To determine which parameters your printer supports, see Table C-3 on page C-8.
Table 4-9: PostScript Emulation User Parameters
Key Type Definition
AccurateScreens boolean Controls whether the accurate screen algorithm is used during subsequent
executions of the setscreen and setcolorscreen operators.
CollatedCopies integer Requests the number of collated copies to print for the job. The CollatedCopies
parameter must be set before the first page of the job has been sent.
If CollatedCopies is set to zero, the parameter has no effect on the job. If
CollatedCopies is set to a number other than zero, the value of #copies and of
the NumCopies and Collate pagedevice parameters are ignored for the job.
Legal values: Any integer between 0 and 999, inclusive.