PCL Support
CR Color Range 2-59 ✓
DF Default 2-56 ✓
DI Absolute Direction 2-58 ✓
DR Relative Direction 2-58 ✓
DT Define Label Terminator 2-58 ✓
DV Define Variable Text Path 2-58 ✓
EA Edge Rectangle Absolute 2-57 ✓
EP Edge Polygon 2-57 ✓
ER Edge Rectangle Relative 2-57 ✓
ES Extra Space 2-58 ✓
EW Edge Wedge 2-57 ✓
FI Primary Font 2-58 ✓
FN Secondary Font 2-58 ✓
FP Fill Polygon, Odd/Even 2-57 ✓
FP Fill Polygon, Non-Zero Winding 2-57 ✓
FT Fill Type 2-59 ✓
FT Fill Type - 22 2-59 ✓
FT Fill Type - 9 2-59 ✓
IN Initialize 2-56 ✓
IP Input P1 and P2 2-56 ✓
IR Input Relative P1 and P2 2-57 ✓
IW Input Window 2-57 ✓
LA Line Attributes 2-59 ✓
LB Label, Default Terminator = ‘03’x 2-58 ✓
LO Label Origin 2-58 ✓
LO Uses PCL Label Origin 2-58 ✓
LT Line Type 2-59 ✓
LM Label Mode 2-58 ✘
MC Logical Operation 2-57 ✓
Table A-2: GL/2 Commands (Continued)
✓ Supported
✘ Not Supported
Page numbers reference command
Function Page
T640, T642, T644