Impinger I – 1400 Series Advantage Service Manual - Dom & Int’l
CONTROL BOX – 1450, 1451, 1480
A 369012 Fuse Holder
B 369014 Fuse, 10 AMP
C 369013 Fuse, 3 AMP
D 369872 Instruction Plate
E 369805 Switch, On/Off
F 369809 Conveyor Control Pot.
G 369507 Cooling Fan Thermostat
H 369154 .7 AMP Circuit Breaker
J 369523 Relay, Motor
K 369803 Control, Conveyor
L 369531 Transformer
M 369393 Ignition Control NAT/LP
N 369125 Terminal Block
O 369131 Thermocouple with Terminals
P 369366 Burner Blower Motor Kit
Q 369131 Finger Guard, Cooling Fan
R 369801 Thermostat (Temperature Control)
S 369128 Neon Pilot Light
T 350224 Lens, Yellow
U 369804 Knob, Clear Skirt
V 369202 Pilot Shield, Main
W 369144 Pilot Shield Extension
X 369263 Gas Valve (Body only) NAT/LP for 1450 & 1451
370025 Gas Valve for 1480
Y 369334 Pilot Shut-off Valve
Z 369398 Solenoid Valve NAT/LP for 1450 & 1451
370026 Solenoid Valve for 1480
AA 369072 Main Burner Orifice – NAT
369099 Main Burner Orifice - LP
370113 Main Burner Orifice - 1480
BB 369075 Flame Sensor
CC 369073 Pilot Orifice – NAT
369100 Pilot Orifice – LP
370114 Pilot Orifice – 1480
DD 369076 Burner Igniter
EE 369142 Flame Target
FF 369822 Magnet, 8 Pole
GG 369291 Conveyor Motor and Gear Box Assy.
HH 369158 10 Tooth Sprocket
JJ 369824 Bracket, Hall Effect
KK 369823 Hall Effect Sensor
LL 369124 Cooling Fan, Control Box
MM 369810 Hall Effect Cable
NN 370138 Face Plate, Temperature
OO 370027 Front Cover
PP 369399 Air Shutter
QQ 369400 Plate, Air Shutter