Common Baking Problems and Why They Happen
If you have carefully followed the basic instructions and still experience poor results, these suggestions
may be helpful:
_blem Cause
Baking or roasting time too
Temperature too low.
Oven out of calibration.
Old oven out of calibratton.
Incorrect use of aluminum foil.
Oven not preheated.
Oven door opened frequently
Too many parson racks.
Pans touching each otheror
oven walls.
Batteruneven inpans.
oven temperature toolow or
baking time too short.
Range not levd.
Too much llquid.
Temperature too high.
Baking time too long.
Too much flour.
oven wails.
Too much shorteningor sugar.
Too much or too little liquid.
Temperature too low.
Old or too little baking powder.
Pan too small.
oven door opened frequently.
Using shiny metal pans.
Incorrect rack positron.
Oven temperature too low.
Too much liquid.
Incorrect pan size or too little
battor in pan.
Oven door opened too often.
Oven not preheated.
Pans touching each other or
oven wails.
Using glass, darkened, warped
or dull finish metal pans.
Incorrect rack position.
Incorrect use of aluminum foil.
Too lltfle leavening.
Pan toolarge.
Oven temperature too IngIL
Baking time too long.
Pans too close to each other or
oven wall.
:_: Improper measurement of
: _ sugar, baking powder, liquid
"_, or fat.
Old pewter
Oven temperature too high.
_i_ Baking time too long.
TOOmuch liquid.
Oven temperature too low.
Baking tlme too short.
rtenlng ' 'Not enough sho
Too much baking powder.
Over mixing.
Oven temperature too high.
Batter overmixed.
Oven temperature too high.
TOO much leavening.
Temperature too high.
Pan too small.
Oven temperature too high.
Pans touching each other or
oven wail
Edges of crust too thin.
Using shiny metal pans.
Temperature too low at start
of baking.
Filling too Juicy.
Using shiny metal palls.
Temperature Conversions
°Fahrenheit 200 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450
°Celsius 100 120 140 150 160 180 190 200 220 230