Food Preparation Drying Time Uses
Artichoke Cut hearts into 1/8" strips, 6-12 hrs. Marinade or dip in batter
Globe blanch and fry
Asparagus Wash and cut into 1" 3-10 hrs. Rehydrate, serve in
pieces. Blanch cream sauce
Beans Remove ends, cut into 6-12 hrs. Stews, soups and casseroles
Green/Wax 1" pieces. Blanch
Beets Steam until tender. Cool and 3-10 hrs. Soups and stews
peel. Cut into 1/2" pieces
Broccoli Wash, cut as for serving. 4-10 hrs. Soups, quiche or souffles,
Blanch cream or cheese sauce
Carrots Peel, cut ends, slice in 6-12 hrs. Salads, soups, stews and
3/8" thick or shred. Blanch carrot cake
Cauliflower Wash, cut as for serving. 6-14 hrs. Soups and stews
Celery Trim, wash and cut 1/2" slices. 3-10 hrs. Soups, stews, powder for celery
Blanch in solution of 1/2 t. salt
(add equal parts celery and salt)
baking soda to 1 cup water
Corn Husk, remove silk and 6-12 hrs. Fritters, soups, stews or grind
blanch. Remove from cob for cornmeal
Eggplant Peel, slice 1/4" thick 4-14 hrs. Cream sauces, casseroles,
and blanch dip in batter and fry
Garlic Separate and peel cloves 6-12 hrs. Powder for seasoning
Vegetables will also vary in their drying times. Blanching decreases drying times,
but not all vegetables are blanched. Again, the average drying times below are
general and depend on different variables which are listed in Drying Time page 10.
For more accurate times, keep records of your own specific experience and record
them in the space provided under each general time guideline.
1. Spread vegetables in single layers unless otherwise noted.
2. Usual drying temperature is 130° F to 145°F (55°to 63°C)
Vegetable Drying Guidelines