Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web 27
Using the Group Management pane
Using the Group Management pane
When you log in to Supervisor over the Web, the Group Management pane's
subgroup tree shows the groups to which you belong as a supervisor and their
subgroups. If you are a general supervisor, it shows the repository root group as
the current group. When you select a subgroup, that group appears as the
current group.
The Group Management pane contains the following:
• up icon - takes you to the parent of the current group
• subgroup tree - contains links to the groups within the current group to which
you have access
• current group level - indicates the complete path of the current group in the
group hierarchy
• current group section - contains the actions that you can perform on the
current group
• users in group section - contains the actions that you can perform on one or
more users in the current group and its subgroups, the search options, and
the list of users in the group and its subgroups with a list sort bar. For more
information on the user profiles go to Understanding user profiles on page 41.
• search options link - allows you to show the search options.
• list sort bar - allows you to sort the users by user name, group name, user
profile, and select or unselect all users.
up icon
current group level
current group
search options link
list sort bar
subgroup tree
users in group
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