Food Function Temperature
in °C
in minutes
Beef goulash COOK MEAT 100 40-50
Chicken breast " 100 8-10
Chicken, whole " 100 50-60
Knuckle of pork " 100 90-95
Lamb ragout " 100 12-16
Turkey escalope " 100 4-6
Turkey roulade " 100 12-15
Veal escalope " 100 3-4
Fish (fresh)
Cod steaks COOK UNIVERSAL 100 5-6
Salmon (fillets) " 100 6-8
Trout (fillets) " 100 3-6
Tuna steak " 100 6-8
Mussels COOK FISH 90* 10-12
Plaice, fillet " 85 5-7
Monk fish " 85 8-10
Trout, 250 g " 90* 10-12
Blanching vegetables COOK VEG 90* 1-2
Disinfecting baby bottles COOK UNIVERSAL 100 15
Melting chocolate (use a
COOK VEG 90* 4-10
* This temperature is not the same as the recommended temperature.
You will find times quoted in the Automatic menu differ from those above.
Practical tips