Convection Bake
For baking on multiple levels
When using Convection Bake, reduce the temperatures given
for Surround by about 20°F / 20°C.
For the baking of traditional recipes and preparing soufflé.
Only bake on one level.
Bake sheet cakes on the center shelf level.
If using older cookbooks or recipes, set the temperature
10°F / 10°C lower then given in the recipe. The cooking time
will not change.
For browning, baking casseroles or layer cakes.
Use this at the end of the baking time to brown the bottom of
the food some more.
When baking cakes with a moist topping such as cheese
cakes, tarts, quiches, pizza, etc.
Bake these in the bottom shelf level.
Humidity Plus
For sponge cakes, choux pastry (e.g. cream puffs) and
frozen pretzels