MD-44 Direction Field Conversion
MD-44 Direction Field Conversion
12. L-R to R-L Conversion ONLY
Rotate the drain piping assembly removed in Step 8 180° and install it on the opposite
end of the machine. The easiest way to insert the piping is from the rear of the machine.
Install drain basket and the elbow. Screw the nipple into the elbow and connect the hoses
to the drain piping and the drain trunk. See the illustration below.
12A. Loosen the union directly above the cross fitting and rotate the upper rinse piping so
it aligns with the back of the machine.
12B. Remove the upper street elbow and move the compression fitting to the lower street
elbow then rotate the street elbow in the booster tank clockwise 90° so it points
toward the unload end of the machine.
12C. Cut 2 pieces of Type K, 3/4" copper tubing (supplied by others) and connect them
using a Brass 7/8" OD x 90° ELL Compression Fitting (supplied by others). Connect
the piping to the fitting on the booster outlet described in 12B.