A. Remove spatula.
B. Remove the top
plate by carefully
sliding it forward
and out of the unit.
C. Remove the venturi
Steamer 625-502revA
Printed in USA 0910 © 2003
Cleaning - Daily PM Tasks
The following equipment is required:
• Detergent or Cleaner
• Delimer/Lime Scale Remover
(as required)
• Sanitizer
• Clean sanitized towel
• Protective (insulated) gloves
Top Cover
Top Plate
Venturi Plate
While wearing protective gloves, remove the top cover by
pulling up and off the unit.
A. Wash top cover, top plate, and venturi plate in a solution of
detergent and water.
B. Rinse with clean water, and then sanitize in a solution of
C. Let air dry.
Reassemble the unit.
Turn the unit on. When unit is preheated, run a minimum of
four cycles to prime the unit and remove any residual cleaner.
It is recommended that the steamers go through a deliming
procedure at least once a month. Some hard water areas may
require increased deliming based upon actual buildup.
Turn the unit off and unplug the power cord from the electrical recep-
tacle. Proceed with caution, unit is still hot!
This unit is not watertight. Do not clean with a water jet/jet spray. Do
not immerse the unit in water.
Do not use abrasive materials such as scrapers, steel wool, etc. to
clean the spatula or steam chamber.
Wipe the steam chamber surface with a clean sanitized cloth.
OPTIONAL: If the surface shows
signs of excessive calcium and
lime buildup, dissolve two tea-
spoons of delimer in a
small coffee cup with 100mI of
water. Pour half on each side.
Using a clean sanitized towel,
wipe the internal surfaces of the
steam chamber. Allow to sit for
5 minutes. Using a clean sani-
tized towel,thoroughly rinse and
wipe, the internal surfaces of
the steam chamber.
Wash all external surfaces of the steamer with a solution of
detergent and water. Using the solution in a spray bottle,
spray directly onto a clean sanitized towel and wipe the unit
While wearing protective gloves:
Do not spray directly on the unit or use abrasive cleaners!