Note: when using an electric stovetop, the heat diff user
MUST ALWAYS be used with the VersaWare™ stoneware.
Note: when using an electric stovetop, the heat diff user
MUST ALWAYS be used with the VersaWare™ stoneware.
Basil and Mint Roasted Leg of
Lamb with Provence Viniagrette
cup balsamic vinegar
4 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
bunch fresh mint, chopped
1 bunch basil, chopped
cup olive oil
1 boneless leg of lamb, tied, 6-7 pounds
Kosher salt and black pepper
Provence Vinaigrette:
2 plum tomatoes, diced
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons champagne vinegar
Pinch sugar
cup extra virgin olive oil
bunch fresh mint, fi nely chopped
1. To prepare marinade, place balsamic vinegar and garlic in a medium, non-reactive
bowl. Whisk ingredients until blended. In a slow, steady stream, pour in olive oil
while whisking continuously until mixture is emulsifi ed and thickened. Stir in
basil and mint. Season with salt and pepper.
2. Place leg of lamb and marinade in a plastic zipper bag and refrigerate several
hours or overnight.
3. Preheat oven to 400
F. Remove roast from marinade and place roast in
VersaWare™ stoneware. Discard leftover marinade.
4. Cook roast in oven until desired doneness, or until meat thermometer registers
F for medium rare.
5. For vinaigrette, place tomatoes, mustard, champagne vinegar and sugar in a
medium sized, non-reactive bowl. Add olive oil in a slow, steady steam while
whisking continuously until emulsifi ed and slightly thickened. Add mint. Taste
and add additional sugar if necessary. Stir in mint.
6. To serve, slice lamb roast and top with vinaigrette.
Serves 6-8
Old Fashioned Split Pea Soup
2 pounds dried split peas
1 cup ham, chopped
cup onion, chopped
cup celery, chopped
4 quarts chicken stock
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons pepper
1. Combine all ingredients into VersaWare™ stoneware and set in slow cooker
heating base. Cover and cook on Low for 8-10 hours or on High for 4-6 hours,
until peas are very soft.
2. Mix with hand mixer or hand blender on low speed until smooth.
Serves 8
Caulifl ower Soup
2 heads caulifl ower, cut into small fl orets
cup celery, chopped
cup onion, chopped
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons pepper
2 quarts chicken stock
2 cups milk or light cream
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1. Combine caulifl ower, celery, onions, salt, pepper and chicken stock in
VersaWare™ stoneware. Place stoneware in slow cooker heating base, cover, and
cook on Low for 7-8 hours or on High for 3-4 hours.
2. Using a hand mixer or hand blender, puree ingredients until smooth; add in milk
and Worcestershire sauce. Mix again until smooth. Cook on High for an
additional 15-20 minutes before serving.
Serves 8
Soups and Chowders
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