using the OVen/gRiLL - muLti-functiOn
Oven & Grill Functions
The chart below details all of the functions which are available. Your oven may not
have all of the functions shown here.
Symbol Function /
Recommended Uses
Conventional Grill
This function cooks food from the top and is ideal for a
range of food from toast to steaks. As the whole grill is
working you can cook large quantities of food.
Economy Grill
For smaller quantities of food, but is still ideal for any-
thing from toast to steaks.
Fanned Grill
The fan allows heat to circulate around the food. Ideal
steaks. Foods do not require turning. Use with the oven
door closed
Conventional Grill
This function is ideal for traditional roasting. The meat is
placed in the middle of the oven, roast potatoes towards
the top.
Top Heat Only
The heat is ideal for browning the tops of food as it is
cooking. Provides additional browning for dishes like
Base Heat Only
The base heat can be used to provide additional brown-
ing for pizzas, pies and quiche. Use this function towards
the end of cooking.
Fanned Oven
The even temperature in the oven makes this function
suitable for batch baking, or batch cooking foods.
Fan and Base Heat
element ensures that the base is cooked while the fan
being to intensive.
Intensive Bake
Suitable for food with a high moisture content, such as
quiche, bread and cheese cake. It also eliminates the
need for baking pastry blind.
Defrosting and Cool-
To defrost foods, such as cream cakes/gateaux, use with
the oven door closed. For cooling dishes prior to refrig
eration, leave the door open.
Oven Temperature
Use to select the oven temperature.
Oven Selector
Use to select the oven function.
Lights Only
Use when the oven is switched off and cold to aid
cleaning the oven.