Models RD30/RC25 Operating Procedures
Section 6 Operating Procedures
We begin our instructions at the point where the parts
are disassembled and laid out to dry from the previous
night’s cleaning.
The following procedures will explain how to assemble
the parts into the freezer, sanitize them, and prime the
freezer with fresh product.
If you are disassembling the machine for the first time
or need information to get to this starting point in our
instructions, turn to “Disassembly” on page 21, and
start there.
THE OFF POSITION. Failure to do so may result in
personal injury or component damage.
Note: When lubricating parts, use an approved food
grade lubricant (example: Taylor Lube HP). Every
three months discard rubber par ts and ins tall new
rubber parts.
Step 1
Install the beater drive shaft. Lubricate the o--ring
groove. Slide the o--ring into the first groove on the
drive shaft. Lubr icate the groove, o--ring and shaft
portion that comes in contact with the rear shell
bearing on the beater drive shaft. DO NOT lubricate
the square end of the drive shaft.
Figure 4
Slide the seal over the shaft until it snaps into the
groove. Fill the inside portion of the seal with lubricant
and evenly lubricate the flat side of the seal that fits
onto the rear shell bearing.
Figure 5
Install the drive shaft into the freezing cylinder, square
end first. The drive shaft seal must fit securely over the
rear shellbearing. Be c ertain thedrive shaft fits into the
drive coupling without binding.
Figure 6