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Congratulations! You have just acquired a TOASTMASTER
Bread Machine.Toastmaster Inc. has
become a household name you can count on, as has RED STAR
Yeast.The home economists at
Yeast and TOASTMASTER have combined their efforts to provide the recipes in this
cookbook. Many hours of developing and testing these recipes were necessary to assure you, the
home baker, a variety of delicious homemade breads.
Read the fo l l owing info r mation before you shop for ingr e d i e n t s.This bread machine will bake up to a
2 pound loaf of fresh bread containing approximately 4 cups of flour. All ingredients except water
should be at room temperature. Place ingredients in bread pan in the order listed in recipe: liquids,
dry and then yeast.
Measure accurately for successful bread machine bread loaves. Mis-measuring, even slightly,
can make a big difference in your results. Measure each ingredient precisely before pacing it
into the bread pan.
• To measure liquids, use a clear glass or plastic
liquid measuring cup.
Read the measurement at eye level.
• To measure flour, spoon into a standard dry
ingredient measuring cup and level with a
straight edge.
Do not sift flour or pack in measuring cup.
• Use standard measuring spoons and level with a
straight edge.
Ⅲ Yeast: The Number One Ingredient
Active DryYeast was used in developing all the recipes in this book. However, RED
QUICK RISE Yeast may also be used. We found that we did not have to vary the amount used
when we substituted one for the other. Follow package directions if using Bread Machine Yeast. Do
not use compressed yeast.
A 1/4 oz. package of RED STAR
Yeast contains approximately 2 1/4 level teaspoons of yeast.The
activity of yeast will deteriorate when it is exposed to oxygen, moisture or warmth.Therefore, yeast
needs to be stored airtight and refrigerated or frozen. Measure out amount needed and allow it to
come to room temperature before using — approximately 15 minutes.
Use yeast before expiration date. If using bulk yeast, keep refrigerated or frozen. If using jarred yeast
and it has been open more than 2 months, check its freshness with the following test.
To test yeast, use a liquid measuring cup and fill to the 1/2 cup level with warm water (110°-115°F).
Add 1 teaspoon granulated sugar and stir. Sprinkle 2 1/4 teaspoons of yeast on top of sugar water. In
3 or 4 minutes, it will have absorbed enough liquid to activate and will start rising to the surface. If at
the end of 10 minutes, the yeast has multiplied to the 1 cup mark, it is very active.The yeast mixture
m a y be used immediately in your Toastmaster Bread Machine in any recipe calling for 2 1/4 teaspoons
of yeast. (Remember to adjust your recipe for the 1/2 cup of water used in the test and do not add
additional yeast.) Add mixture with liquid ingredients; do not use to delay bread.
Ⅲ Flour: Bread Flour is Essential
All types of flour are affected by many fa c t o r s, such as milling gra d e s, moisture content, length of
s t o ra g e, and manu fa c t u ring processes. Adjustments to the recipes may need to be made to compensate
for climactic changes in different regions to ensure an excellent loaf.
Bread flour is a definite necessity. Milled from hard winter or spring wheat, it has a higher protein
c o n t e n t that makes it more durable than all-purpose flour. The protein, when mixed with liquid,