300Mbps Wireless N Range Extender User Guide
4.6.1 DHCP Settings
Selecting DHCP > DHCP Settings will enable you to set up the Range Extender as a DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server, which provides the TCP/IP configuration for all the
PCs that are connected to the system on the LAN. The DHCP Server can be configured on the page
(shown as Figure 4-24), only when you’ve set the Network LAN type as Static IP in Figure 4-9.
The DHCP Settings function cannot be configured if you have chosen Smart IP (DHCP) in
Network -> LAN, in which situation the device will help you configure the DHCP automatically as
you need. The DHCP Settings page will appear as Figure 4-23.
Figure 4-23 DHCP Settings – Disabled
Figure 4-24 DHCP Settings – Enabled
DHCP Server - Selecting the radio button before Disable/Enable will disable/enable the
DHCP server on your Range Extender. The default setting is Enable. If you disable the
Server, you must have another DHCP server within your network or else you must manually
configure the computer.
Start IP Address - This field specifies the first address in the IP Address pool.
is the default start IP address.