Section 3 - Service and Repair
If the refrigerator thermistor (T1) fails, the unit will continue to
operate based on a preset time interval of 10 minutes on and 30
minutes off. The display will show “E1.”
Error Code
E1, E2 Bad thermistor errors. Replace thermistor. Check
for thermistor errors by accessing "View thermistor
# status (2)." If the error code is repeated, the
thermistor is open or shorted. If a temperature is
displayed, the thermistor is not defective.
E3 This signals that the door (or bottom drawer) has
been left open for longer than 20 minutes. Close the
door to reset. If the light and display do not go off
when the door is closed, check to make sure the
magnet is positioned properly.
E5 This signals that the unit has been above set-point
for more than twelve hours by at least 10 degrees. If
the unit was just plugged in, leave for 24 hours to
see if the problem is corrected. If it is not corrected,
it is most likely a refrigeration system issue.
E6 This signals that the refrigerator section has been at
least 10 degrees below set-point for at least twelve
hours. This would most likely be caused by a bad
relay and the circuit board.
After checking the errors be sure to clear the error log by
performing service option 12.
Excessive Frost on evaporator
Shut down unit and thaw if frost is very thick. The unit may be used
in an abnormal manner. If the unit will continue to be used in this
manner the defrost length can be lengthened in the service menu
to prevent future issues. Extending this length may be detrimental
to the refrigerator temperature. During very long defrosts the
temperature may rise higher than desired.
If frost is heavy, divert water from drain pan to prevent
water on floor.
Some noise is normal, such as a hum from the fans/compressor.
Display is showing something other than “SP (38)”
or “ER.”
Push one of the keys to see if the display is reset.
Turn unit on and off via the display pad.
Unplug unit, wait one minute, and plug back in. If any of these steps
returns the unit to operation the unit was probably accidentally
entered into a service mode.
Display is showing a random snaking of characters
or a degree symbol is flashing.
The unit is in a special showroom mode. Hold the COLDER key
and press the LIGHT key three times to exit.
Refrigerator too warm
Check the actual refrigerator temperature. If set to 38°F, the actual
temperature should be between 36°F and 40°F during normal
operation. Recent door openings, product loading, or defrost
cycles will push the temperature higher for short time periods.