Viking F1484D Range User Manual

OOvveenn OOppeerraattiioonn
•Convection Bake: Heat is radiated from the
bake element in the bottom of the oven cavity
and is circulated by the motorized fan in the
rear of the oven. It provides more even heat
distribution throughout the oven cavity for all
uses. Multiple rack use is possible for the
largest baking job.
: An element located around the
fan in the rear of the oven is the only heat source.
•Maxi-Broil: The broil element at the top of the oven operates at full
•Mini-Broil: Only the center broil element operates for partial power.
The setting is designed for “slow” broiling.
•Convection Broil: Exactly the same as regular broiling with the
additional benefit of air circulation by the motorized fan in the rear of
the oven. The cool air is quickly replaced-improving the already high
performance of the infrared broil burner.
•Self-Clean: This range features an automatic pyrolytic self-cleaning
cycle. During this cycle, the oven reaches elevated temperatures in
order to burn off soils and deposits. An integral smoke eliminator
reduces odors associated with the soil burn-off.
With the temperature control on 175
C), warm air is radiated from the
bake element in the bottom of the
oven cavity and is circulated by a
motorized fan in the rear of the oven.
Over a period of time, the water is
removed from the food by
evaporation. Removal of water
inhibits growth of microorganisms and
retards the activity of enzymes. It is
important to remember that
dehydration does not improve the
quality , so only fresh, top-quality
foods should be used.
With temperature control off, air is
circulated by a motorized fan in the
rear of the oven. The fan accelerates
natural defrosting of the food without
heat. To avoid sickness and food
waste, do not allow defrosted food to
remain in the oven for more than two
OOvveenn FFuunnccttiioonn SSeelleeccttoorr
Each oven has an oven function selector. There are five settings on the
•Bake: Heat is radiated from the bake element in the bottom of the
oven cavity and is circulated with natural airflow. This is your
traditional bake setting. Use this setting for baking and roasting on a
single rack, preferably in the center of the oven.
TTeemmppeerraattuurree CCoonnttrroollss
Each oven has a temperature control dial.
The control can be used be set at any
temperature from 150
F to 550
F, broil, or self-
clean. Always be sure the controls are in the
“Off” position when the oven is not in use.