Dry Blade Container
If purchased, your dry blade container should only be used for hard,
dry materials such as grain, and for kneading dough.
1. Make sure that the Variable Speed Dial is set to 1.
2. Securely fasten the 2-Part. Always use the complete 2-Part lid when blending
(unless the tamper is inserted through the lid plug opening).
3. With the motor o, set the dry blade container on the motor base by aligning it
over the centering pad. Never attempt to put a container on an operating motor
base or to operate a motor base without a container properly in place.
4. Start with the On / O Switch in the On position. Always start your machine on
Variable Speed 1. Activate the machine by lifting up the Start / Stop Switch to the
Start ( ) position and slowly increase the Variable Speed to the desired speed.
5. After turning o the machine, wait until the blades completely stop before
removing the lid or container from the motor base.
6. Due to the machine’s speed and the sometimes-short processing times, count
your time carefully to avoid over-processing.
7. Grinding dry material for more than two minutes could damage your machine.
Regular use may result in cosmetic marring of the container and cause the blades
to become dull over time.
8. Grinding some herbs may release volatile oils, causing the container to discolor
permanently. Others have strong odors that may linger in the container, aecting
the flavor of other foods. The grinding of some herbs and spices may also cause
the blade to dull over time, or the container to crack.