Before you start...
Check locahon where range WIII ALL OPENINGS IN THC WALL
be rnslalled The locol10” should
Proper ln~lollol~on IS your resporwbrlrty
be away lrom strong droti Oreos.
Makn sure you have everything “ecessory
such OS windows. doors. and
lor correcl ~nslollol~on II IS the responsrbrlriy
strong heatrng vents Or fans The
of the rnsloller lo comply wrlh the ~nslollat~on
range should
cleoronce specrlred on the senalirairng
convenient us
plate The serroliralrng plate co” be
found under the cooktop
Recessed ~nsl~,,~,,~. I
provide complele en
me s,‘4-e ,.-A 1^^1 -I
JI !
be localed for
R rn the krlchen
Note Clearances specrlred
,4”+ir.mS muS,
ore for combustrble walls ond
closure of
moterrols that hove o density of
, i~~~h~t
Cabinet opening dimensions
lhot ore shown must be used
,bcwe the range
Given drmensrons provrde
See Gas Supply
Tools needed
for installation.
hard or
wood ftoorr: 1/1’drt,, bll
Concrete/cerarr&z “oor: 1 /A’ masenry dr,,, b,,
Observe 011 governing
codes ond ordinances.
up to ‘2.m feet. For elevottorx above
2aM) feet. ratings should be reduced
at o rote of A% for each l.CrX feel
above sea level.
Gas supply
Observe all governing codes
and ordinances.
Fire Hazard
. Range must be connecled to a
regulated gas supply.
. LP. gm supply must Not exceed q
prassure of Id’ water column This
must be checked by a quolilied
lechnician before lnslalling the wen
- Do Not use an open flame to tesl
for leaks from gos connections.
- New, flexible gas line must be ured.
Failure lo follow these rnslructions
could result in a fire, explosion or
personal injury
This rnstollotion must conform
. local codes ond ordina”ces. In
me obs?“Ce Of IoCoI CO&S. l”StOllOtlO”
must conform with Amerkon Nonow
Standard. National Fuel Gas Code ANSI
2223.1 - latest edition.’
This range Is equipped for use
. with NATURAL QOS. It
certtned byA.G A. fof NATURAL and L.P
gases with appropriate conversion. The
serlallrating plate located under me
ccektop has lnformonon on
me type of
gas that can be used. If this information
does not agree with the type of gos
available. check with the local gas
supplier. See bock cover for L.P. gas
conversro” instructions.
Provide o gas supply line of 314’
rrgrd prpe to the range location.
Pipeioint compounds resistant to
action of L.P. gos must be used. Wrth L.P.
gas. piping or tubing srze co” be 112
mlnlmum. L.P gas suppliers usuoIIy
deterrrrne the size and materials used
on their system
(new) is recommended for connectzng
this range to the gas supply line
not kink or damage the f&able using
when moving the range. A 112. male
pope thread is needed for conr~ect~~n to
pressure regulator female pipe threads
Fire Hazard
a Do Not use or store gasoline. point
thinners ond other flammable
malerlals near range
. Do Not obstruct the flow of
combuslion and ventilation air.
. If you smell gas:
I, Open windows.
2. Don’1 touch electrical switches.
3. Extinguish any open flame
A. Immediately call your gas supplier.
Failure to follow these instructions could
rest.111 in fire or explosion.
Personal Injury Hozord
Avoid inslolling cabinel storage above
the cooking surface. If cobinels ore
already inslolled. reduce the hazard
of reaching over o healed cooking
sulloce by rnslalling (1 range hoad. The
range hood should extend o minimum
of 5 inches out lrom Ihe bottom front of
Ihe cabinets.
Reaching over o healed cooking
surface could resull in o serious burn
and personal injury
Eleclr~col Shock Hazard
II is the customer’s responsibility:
. To conlacl CI quaIlfred electrrcal
- To assure lhal the electrical
installation is odeauate ond in
conlormance wilh’Nalionol Electrical
Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 lutes.1 edition”.
and a11 local codes and ordinances.
Failure to do so could result in fire,
electrical shock or other personal injuv.
Mobile Home Installation
The rnstallatron of thus range must conform
to the Monufoclured Home Constructron
and Safety Standards. Trtle 24 CFR. Part
3280 (formerly the Federal Standard for
Mobrle Home Conshuct~ons and Safeby.
Trtle ‘24, HUD Port 280)
When mis range is lnslalled I” o mobile
home. it must be secured to me floor
durrng transit Any method of securing the
range is adequate os long os It conforms
to the standards lrsted
Copies of the standard listed above may
be obtalned horn:
‘American Gas Association
1515 Wilwn Boulevard
Arlinglon. Virginia 22209
“Notional Fire Proteclion Associolion
Batterymarch Park
Quincy. Massachusetts 02269
Thii’voive should be located In the zume
room OS the rorwe and should be In o
location that all&s ease of opening and
closing. Do rwt block access to shutoff
All strains must be removed from the
supply and fuel lines so range
will be level and in line.
The Inlet pressure to the regulator
should be os follows for both
operation and checking regulator setting:
Minimum pressure 6 inches
Maximum pressure IA Inches
Minimum pressure 11 inches
Maximum pressure 14 inches
The range and Its lndrvrdual shutoff
. valve must be disconnected
from the Qos supply prping system dunng
any pressure lestlng of that system ot test
pressures in excess of 112 PYQ (3 5 kPa).
The range must be rmloted from the gos
supply piping system by closrng Its
IndlVla~~ 1nOnUoi 5hUrOff VOW aUrlnQ
any prewre testi”Q of the Qos supply
prprng system 01 test pressures equo1 to
or less than l/Z ps1g (3 5 kP0)