Common dishwashing problems
Spottlng and
Hard water
Not enough
detergent. or
Improper detergent
Old detergent
Improper loading
No rrnse old
Water 1s not
hot enough
AIR DRY Settrng used
Small particles Spray arm not rotat-
deposlted on
ing freely or wash
tower not extending
Old detergent
Not enough
detergent or
Improper detergent
Water IS not hot
‘Water pressure may
be low, dtshwasher IS
not filltng properly
Dishes not
Water IS not
washing clean
hoi enough
Improper loadrng
Spray arm not rotat-
ing freely or wash
tower not extending
FIII detergent dtspensers to capactty Use dtshwasher de-
tergent wtth hrghest avarlable phosphorus content May
be necessary to tnstall water softener
To remove spots and film try a vtnegar rinse
1 Wash and rtnse load as usual Use AIR DRY
2 Remove all metal Items
3 Put 2 cups (500 mL) white vtnegar in a container on the
bottom rat k
4 Run drshwasher through a complete washing cycle
Use more dishwasher detergent. Use detergent with high-
est avarlable phosphorus content.. especrally with hard
Use only fresh dishwasher detergent. Store tightly closed
container In cool, dry place. Discard old detergent. Do not
ftll dtspensers until ready to start dishwasher.
Make sure dashes and glassware are loaded so spray
reacnes all su:faces and Items dram properly Do not ov-
erloca Do not nest Items
Make sure large Items do not block spray from reaching
detergent drspensers
Try a solid rinse aid, such as Solid Jet DRY.” Follow package
water temperature should be at least 140 F (60 C]. Set
rioter heater thermostat to a higher setting Run water at
ilnk untrl hot before starting
Drvtng wrthout heat may result in some spotting of glasses
and srlber
Check spray arm to make sure tt is turning freely after
loading Check opening in bottom rack to make sure
the center wash tower can extend through it. Be sure a
utensil has not prevented these parts from moving.
Use only fresh dishwasher detergent Store tightly closed
container in cool dry place Discard old detergent. Do not
htt dispensers until ready to start dishwasher.
Use more dishwasher detergent Use detergent with htgh-
es: aiicrlable phosphorus content especially with hard
Water temperature should be at least 140 F (60 C) Set
water heater thermostat to a higher setting Run water at
sink until hot before starting
If water pressure
low, do not use waterforother purposes
while dishwasher IS runntng [to assure correct fills)
Water temperature should be at least 140 F (60 C]. Set
water heater thermostat to a higher setting Run water ot
s!nk unth hot before starting
Make sure dlsnes and glassware are loaded so spray
reaches all surfaces and items drawn properly Do not ov-
erload Do not nest items
Make sure large items do not block spray from reachtng
aetergent dispensers
Check spray arm to make sure it
turning freely after
loading Check opening in bottom rack to make sure
the center wash tower can extend through it Be sure a
utensil has not prevented these parts from moving.
I\iot enough detergent Use mo;e dishwasher detergent Use detergent with htgh-
or Improper
est ava’iable phosphorus content especially with hard
Old detergent
Use on:v fresh dishwasher detergent Store tightly closed
container in cool dry place Discard old detergent. Do not
fill dispensers until ready to start dishwasher.
Water pressure may
If water pressure IS low do not use water for other purposes
be low dishwasher
AJhrle dl<hwasher 1s running [to assure correct fills]
not frll~ng properly