8. Touoh START.
When you touch START, the QUICK
DEFROST Indicator Llght will stay on.
All other lndlcator Llghts will go off.
The Display counts down the time to
show how much ttme Is left In the
Defrost cycle.
When the defrost time ends, the micro
wave oven automatically lets the food
stand for the same amount of fime
used for defrosffng.
NOTE: if the defrosf fime has been
changed one or more fimes, the
standing fime will equal the original
defrost time entered.
The QUICK DEFROST lndlcator Llght
stays on and the Display counts down
the standlng ttme. Dutfng the counf-
down the oven will be dark, and the
fan will be off.
When the standlng ttme Is over, you
will hear 2 beeps and the Cook cycle
will start.
The COOK lndlcator Light will be on dur-
Ing the Cook cycle. The COOK POWER
lndlcator Llght will also be on H you are
using a Cook Power other than HIQH.
The Display counts down the time
to show how much time is left in the
second cycle.
For 2 of every 10 seconds, the
Display will show the Cook Power
you selected, if you are using a
Cook Power other than high.
When the Cook cycle ends, “End” will
show on the Display and 4 beeps will
sound. (You can stop the beeping by
openlng the door or by touching
CANCEL.) “End” will remaln on the
Display and a reminder tone will
sound every 60 seconds (to remlnd
you that food Is left In the oven] until
the door Is opened or CANCEL Is
touched. The Display will then show
the time of day.