IJsing the Minute l’imcr
The Minute Trmer does not start or stop cookrng It can be used alone or whrle
the oven is operating It works like a kitchen trmer
1. Touch MINUTE
2. Touch Number
Pads for minutes
and seconds.
Touch START.
Changing the
Minute Timer
-Touch numbers to set new time.
- Touch START.
New instructions cancel the old
The MINUTE TIMER lndrcator
Light WIII come on and the
Drsplay WIII show a “0”. The
first Number Pad must be
touched within 5 seconds
or the Display will again
show the time of day.
Touch MINUTE TIMER again
and continue
The Drsplay will show what
numbers you touched in
the order you touched
them. This example shows
1 minute, 45 seconds
The MINUTE TIMER Indicator
Light will stay on to show
that the Minute Timer is
The Display counts down
the seconds to show how
much time IS left on the
Minute Timer.
When the set time is up, a
3 second signal will sound
and the Display will show
the time of day
Cancelling the Minute Timer
-Touch CANCEL. NOTE: Touch
MINUTE TIMER before touching
CANCEL to cancel just the Minute
Timer. It CANCEL is touched first,
all cooking instructions will be
cancelled and the Minute Timer
will continue to operate.
The Minute Timer can be set to time other activities while the oven is operating
in any other cycle. The Display will countdown the time of the cycle in opera-
tion. The Minute Timer will continue to countdown, but will not show on the
Display. When the time is up, a 3 second signal will sound