
Copyright IPitomy Communication, LLC 110 0007VRF
Packet – A unit of data transmitted over a network.
Park – Parks a call in a reserved extension (park slot) and allows the call to be retrieved from
another extension.
PRI (Primary Rate Interface) – ISDN service provides 23 64-Kbps B (Bearer) channels and one
64-Kbps D (Data) channel (23 B and D). The D Channel is used for control in signaling
Private Branch Exchange (PBX) – An in-house telephone system that connects extensions
and the Public Switched Telephone Network.
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) – This is the global circuit-switched telephone
network. It is similar to the Internet. However, on the Internet packets of data are sent and
received using Internet protocol over a network.
Router – A networking device that connects multiple networks together, such as a local network
and the Internet.
Server – Any computer in a network that provides users access to files, printing,
communications, etc.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) – A signaling protocol that establishes data sessions. For
example when making a call from one extension to another on a VoIP phone system SIP sets up
the call and creates the connection between the two extensions.
Smart Operator Console (SOC) – This is a Web-based and intuitive attendant station. It
graphically depicts call traffic and with the click of a mouse allows a user to manage this traffic by
transferring calls, placing callers on a park slot and/or putting a caller into an existing conference.
Smart Personal Console (SPC) – This user-friendly Web page gives a person the ability to set
basic phone features (e.g., mailbox settings and call forwarding) from anywhere.
Switch – Software used to bridge a public switched telephone network and voice over Internet.
The switch performs call control functions such as protocol conversion, authorization and other
administrative operations.
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) – A devise that maintains continual electrical power.
T1 – A dedicated digital voice circuit that has 24 channels. This point-to-point circuit delivers
1.544 Mbps of bandwidth.
Transfer – Sends a call to another extension.
Trunk – A communications channel between two points.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) – A private communication network that companies use to
transmit information securely by encrypting traffic sent from one network to another.
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) – The routing of voice traffic over the internet.
Wide Area Network (WAN) – A computer network that crosses geographic boundaries like
cities, states or countries.
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) – A link between two or more computers in a network
without wires. Wireless LANs use radio waves to communicate between computers in a limited