
Copyright IPitomy Communication, LLC 67 0007VRF
Phone Type
It is necessary to enter the MAC address of each telephone. The telephones
have a barcode with the MAC ID printed on them. The phone type is a drop down
list for selecting which IP phone hardware is being used on the extension.
IPitomy supports Aastra
and Polycom
phones and will be adding additional
phone types in the future. When the phone type is selected, another
configuration option is available to program the button mapping of each
telephone model. The IPitomy 1000 supports a variety of pre-programmed
buttons like BLF, park, voicemail, as well as, speed dial buttons. Each phone can
be configured for its own unique set of buttons.
Phone MAC
All of the IP phones have a MAC Address. The MAC ID identifies the piece of
equipment for configuration. The auto configuration features of IPitomy rely on
the MAC address to load the proper configuration files into the telephone when
changes are made in the Web-based interface. The configuration files are stored
on the IPitomy 1000 and used when the phone powers back on after a power
down cycle. If the configuration files have been updated when the phone powers
back on, a new configuration is loaded into the phone. When the new
configuration file is loaded, the settings on the phone take priority and will be kept
in tact during the upgrade. Note that at this time only Aastra
phones require and
utilize the MAC address in the phone settings.