
Copyright IPitomy Communication, LLC 4 0007VRF
Groups and extensions will be populated for creating automated attendant (menu)
Destinations will be populated for use in setting up providers and hardware trunks.
System Administration
IPitomy 1000’s administration menus are a series of Web pages accessible from a Web browser.
To the left of the Menu is a navigation bar that allows users to click on and administer each
section of the system. Administration of the IPitomy 1000 is simple and intuitive. The system is
designed with six primary areas of functionality.
System System setup consists of network configuration settings.
Providers Providers are sources of PSTN and VoIP connectivity. Providers are the
lines that handle all incoming and outgoing calls. All VoIP and traditional telephone
providers are setup here. DID numbers are also entered here.
Destinations Destinations are places where calls get routed in the system:
extensions, groups of extensions, automated attendants, conferences and voicemail.
Call Routing These settings route inbound calls to specific destinations within the
system, and send outbound calls over specific local, long distance, international and
emergency routes.
PBX Setup These settings globally configure PBX timers, voice messaging and
other system features.
Reports These reports display system usage, monitor activity and provide
diagnostic information.