
Copyright IPitomy Communication, LLC 89 0007VRF
7. Select Mailbox Exit destination – this is the destination calls will be
routed to when leaving a voicemail box.
8. Select Directory Type – this is the type of directory to use for the
Directory destination.
9. Click on Save Changes.
10. Click on Apply Changes when ready to implement changes to the
The IPitomy 1000 is like a computer, in that; information can be stored in the system or
backed up in case it goes down. For additional protection, the system also allows a copy
of the system setup to be stored in an external source like a computer or CD. The
Database section of online administration manages the process of downloading and
storing copies of the system setup to the system itself or an external source.
Backing Up a Copy of the System’s Setup
The system can be backed up to an internal database or to an external source like a
computer or CD.
1. Click on PBX Setup and Database. The Database Setup page will
2. To back up a copy of the System’s Setup to the internal database,
click the Backup button. The backup version of the file will appear in the
Databases Window with the Date, Time and Version of the backup.
3. To back up a copy of the System’s Setup to an external source like a
computer or CD, click on
Download button. Give the file a name
and store it in a place that is easily accessible.
Restoring a Copy of System’s Setup
The system can be restored from a copy of the System’s Setup in the internal database
or from a copy on an external source.
1. Click on PBX Setup and Database. The Database Setup page will
2. To restore a copy of the System’s Setup using the internal database,
select the Backup version to be restored from the Database Window
and click the
Restore button. This will restore the version of the
System’s Setup selected.
2. To restore a copy of the System’s Setup using an external source,
Browse for the file in the external source (click Open from the operating
system for the file to appear in the Browse Window) and click Send File.
The Backup file will appear in the Database Window. Click Restore.
3. Click on Apply Changes when ready to implement these changes to the