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18.4.6. "Network Places Filter" setting
Here you can enter (separated by semicolons) any hostnames or IP addresses of network places,
servers, FTP servers, network shares, etc. to which you have made connection by supplying network
credentials (a username and password). While entering hostnames and IP addresses you can use *
and ? wildcards.
To see the list of network places for which the stored network user credentials will be wiped
according to your filter, click Show Network Places.
18.5. Cleaning up separate system components
If you don't want to clean up all system components, you can clean components of your choice or an
individual component separately.
In this case all global settings of the System Clean-up Wizard will be valid for individual components
as well.
To clean up individual components, select them in the System Components section in the System
Clean-up window and run the System Clean-up Wizard.