8.3.9. The backup process
Clicking Proceed after completing all the optional steps you need for configuring the current backup
task will start the task execution if you have configured the task to be started manually, by choosing
the Do not schedule option at the Scheduling step, or having selected the Run task now box for a
scheduled task (to select the box, you should return to the Finish step). Otherwise the task will run
when the scheduled time comes.
The task progress will be shown in a special window. You can stop the procedure by clicking Cancel.
You can also close the progress window by clicking Hide. The backup creation will continue, but you
will be able to start another operation or close the main program window. In the latter case, the
program will continue working in the background and will automatically close once the backup
archive is ready. If you prepare some more backup operations, they will be queued after the current
8.4. Fine-tuning your backups
You can fine-tune your backups to specific tasks. Such fine-tuning is made by configuring backup
options before starting a backup task.
You can set temporary backup options by changing the default backup options while creating a
backup task. If you would like to use the changed options for future tasks, make appropriate changes
in the default backup options after selecting Tools & Utilities → Options → Backup options.
Incidentally, you can always restore the default backup options to the values preset during
installation of Acronis True Image Home 2010 Netbook Edition. To do this, click Reset all to default
on the toolbar of the Options window. To reset just a single backup option, select it on the left pane
and click Reset the current to default.
Clicking Reset all to default will reset all the default options (for backup/recovery, notifications, etc.) to their
preset values, so this button should be used with caution.
In addition, when backing up your data files, the program provides for creating custom data
categories for backup.
8.4.1. Backup options What to exclude
By default, the program excludes files with the following extensions from backups: .~, .tmp, and .tib.
You can also set other default filters for file exclusion, for example, you may want hidden and system
files and folders not to be stored in the backup archives as well.
In addition, you can apply your own filters using the common Windows wildcard characters. For
example, to exclude all files with extension .exe, add *.exe mask. My???.exe will exclude all .exe files
with names consisting of five symbols and starting with "my".
This option affects real folders selected at My Data backup. If the name of a whole folder matches a
mask you set, this folder will be excluded with all its content. Backup of a file category uses file filters
preset at creation of the category. My Application Settings, System State or My E-mail backup
implies dedicated lists of files that must not be filtered.
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