1. Open Acronis Boot Sequence Manager by selecting Tools & Utilities → Acronis Boot Sequence
Manager in the main program menu.
2. Click Add on the toolbar of Acronis Boot Sequence Manager and browse for the required tib file,
then click OK.
3. As actual booting is performed from VHD, the program needs to convert the selected tib file, so
the appropriate dialog will appear.
4. Click OK if you want to save the converted file to the default location with the same name or
browse for another location. Saving to another location allows changing the name of the vhd file.
If there is not enough space for the converted file in the selected location, the program will notify
you. You can delete unnecessary files and click Retry or cancel the conversion and repeat the
operation choosing another location for the converted file.
5. After the conversion process finishes a new line with the vhd filename will be added to the
Acronis Boot Sequence Manager.
To use the VHD for booting, the partition with the converted vhd file must have sufficeint free space. Tib
files are converted into dynamic VHDs with the maximum size that equals the size of a partirion backed up
into a tib file. When you boot from a dynamic vhd file, the VHD is automatically expanded to the maximum
size. If the physical host partition of the vhd file does not have enough free disk space for the maximum size
of the dynamic VHD, the boot process will fail. Furthermore, you need to have additional space for the
paging file (Pagefile.sys), as the paging file is created on the host partition outside the virtual one. Microsoft
states that you should estimate approximately 5 GB of available space in addition to the maximum size of
the vhd file. So the estimated free space is the size of your system partition plus 5 GB. Incidentally, from the
above it follows that you cannot boot from the vhd file if it is located on your system partition.
6. Reboot the computer and select the new entry in the Acronis Boot Sequence Manager list for
booting, then click OK. If Windows boots normally, you can be quite sure that the backup will
recover to a bootable Windows 7 operating system.
7. After making sure that the tib image is bootable, you can remove its entry from the Acronis Boot
Sequence Manager list. To do so, select the entry and click Remove on the toolbar. Acronis True
Image Home 2010 Netbook Edition will ask to confirm removal. You may also want to delete the
vhd file used for booting. If so, open Windows Explorer and delete the file.
13.4. Acronis Boot Sequence Manager
Acronis Boot Sequence Manager allows you to add Windows 7 system partition images to the booting
list and then manage the list.
You can add to the list images backed up both in the vhd and tib formats. Adding a tib image requires
converting it into the vhd format. More detailed information on booting from tib images is provided
in the previous section.
Actual booting is carried out using Windows boot loader. Acronis Boot Sequence Manager just adds
virtual disks (vhd files) to the Windows boot loader' list of disks available for booting to Windows 7.
If you do not select from where to boot, then by default the computer boots from the first entry in
the booting list after waiting for a time interval specified in the Boot Timeout field. To change the
default boot disk (either physical or virtual), you can move entries up and down in the list using the
corresponding buttons on the toolbar.
Clicking the Rename button allows you to assign a desired name to a list entry.
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