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You can set default filters for the specific types of files you wish to preserve during archive recovery.
For example, you may want hidden and system files and folders, newer files and folders, as well as
files matching selected criteria not to be overwritten by the archive files.
While specifying the criteria, you can use the common Windows wildcard characters. For example, to
preserve all files with extension .exe, add *.exe. My???.exe will preserve all .exe files with names
consisting of five symbols and starting with "my".
Unselecting the Overwrite existing files check box will give the files on the hard disk unconditional
priority over the archived files.
10.2.3. Pre/post commands
You can specify commands or batch files to be automatically executed before and after the recovery
procedure. Click Edit to open the Edit Command window where you can easily input the command,
its arguments and working directory or browse folders to find a batch file.
Please note that interactive commands, i.e. commands that require user input, are not supported.
Unselecting the Do not perform operations until the command's execution is complete box,
selected by default, will permit the recovery procedure to run concurrently with your command
If you want the recovery to be performed even if your command fails, uncheck the Abort the
operation if the user command fails box (checked by default).
You can test execution of the command you created by clicking the Test command button.
Please keep in mind that when recovering the system partition to the original place your post command will not
be executed because recovery of the system partition requires a reboot, resulting in loss of the command. Such a
command will also be lost if the program requests a reboot during any other recovery operation.
10.2.4. Recovery priority
The preset is Low.
The priority of any process running in a system determines the amount of CPU usage and system
resources allocated to that process. Decreasing the recovery priority will free more resources for
other CPU tasks. Raising recovery priority may speed up the recovery process as it takes resources
from other currently running processes. The effect will depend on total CPU usage and other factors.