8.3.5. Selecting what to exclude
This step will be present only for the Disk and Partition Backup and My Data backup types. It enables
you to exclude unnecessary files from your backup in case you just want to exclude certain file types
without creating custom categories. You can exclude hidden or system files and folders, as well as
files matching the criteria you specify. You can add your own criteria by clicking Add. While adding
criteria, you can use the common Windows wildcard characters and type several criteria in the same
line separating them by semicolons. For example, to exclude all files with .gif and .bmp extensions,
you may type *.gif;*.bmp. One more thing – if, for example, you want to exclude all the files with the
name of test regardless of their extension, you should specify exclusion criteria such as test.*,
otherwise those files will not be excluded. You can also specify the path to a folder to be excluded,
for example, C:\Program Files\Common Files\. Note that the path must end with the "\" symbol,
otherwise the folder will not be excluded.
These filter settings will take effect for the current task. For information on how to set the default
filters that will be used each time you select folders to back up, see What to exclude (p. 66).
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