of Time Explorer will show the times of backing up all its versions kept on the Online Storage. Choose
a version by its backup time, then right-click on the file in the right pane and choose Open in the
shortcut menu. Acronis True Image Home 2010 Netbook Edition will recover the file version to a
temporary folder and then will open the file using the associated application.
7.5. Managing Online Storage
As the available space on Acronis Online Storage is limited depending on the chosen backup plan, you
need to manage your Online Storage space by cleaning up the obsolete data. Cleanup can be done in
a variety of ways. The most "drastic" one is removing a computer registered on the Online Storage, if
you have registered more than one. Removing a computer results in deleting all data that was backed
up from that computer, so such an operation must be carried out with caution. To remove a
computer, select it on the Online storage screen by its name and click Remove <Computer_name>,
then click Yes in the confirmation window. After the deletion finishes, click Refresh on the toolbar to
refresh the storage state shown.
The Online backup options provide for automatic cleanup of the Online Storage. You can specify
deletion of files that have been kept on the storage longer than the specified number of months or
days. In addition, you can set the maximum number of file versions to be kept on the Online Storage.
You can accept the default settings for those options shown above the Change cleanup options... link
or set the values you need. To change the above options, click the link and set the desired values.
You can also manage Acronis Online Storage by deleting individual files or even some of their
1. Click Browse on the Online storage screen.
Acronis Time Explorer will be opened with the Online Storage tab selected.
2. Select the computer from which you backed up the files you need to manage by its name on the
directory tree under Online Storage in the left pane.
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