3200 Series
24 ACS 3216 Operators Manual
9.3 Modbus Parameter Addresses
Parameter Name Modbus Address
PV.IN PV (Temperature) Input Value (see also Modbus address 203 which allows writes over Modbus to this variable). 1
TG.SP Target Setpoint.
NB – do not write continuously changing values to this variable. The memory technology used in this product has a
limited (100,000) number of write cycles. If ramped setpoints are required, consider using the internal ramp rate function
or the remote comms setpoint (Modbus address 26 )in preference.
MAN.OP Manual Output Value 3
WRK.OP Working Output 4
WKG.SP Working Setpoint (Read Only) 5
PB Proportional Band 6
Ti Integral Time
(0 = No Integral Action)
Td Derivative Time
(0 = No Derivative Action)
A1.--- Alarm 1 Threshold 13
A2.--- Alarm 2 Threshold 14
Timer Status
0 = Reset
1 = Run
2 = Hold
3 = End
Setpoint 1
NB – do not write continuously changing values to this variable. The memory technology used in this product has a
limited (100,000) number of write cycles. If ramped setpoints are required, consider using the internal ramp rate function
or the remote comms setpoint (Modbus address 26 )in preference.
Setpoint 2
NB – do not write continuously changing values to this variable. The memory technology used in this product has a
limited (100,000) number of write cycles. If ramped setpoints are required, consider using the internal ramp rate function
or the remote comms setpoint (Modbus address 26 )in preference.
OP.HI Output High Limit 30
OP.LO Output Low Limit 31
SP.RAT Setpoint Rate Limit Value (0 = no rate limit) 35
Instrument Status. This is a bitmap:
B0 – Alarm 1 Status
B1 – Alarm 2 Status
B2 – Alarm 3 Status
B3 – Alarm 4 Status
B4 – Auto/Manual Status
B5 – Sensor Break Status
B6 – Loop Break Status
B7 – CT Low load current alarm status
B8 – CT High leakage current alarm status
B9 – Program End
B10 – PV Overrange (by > 5% of span)
B11 – CT Overcurrent alarm status
B12 – New Alarm Status
B13 – Timer/Ramp Running
B14 – Remote (comms) SP Fail
B15 – Autotune Status
In each case, a setting of 1 signifies ‘Active’, 0 signifies ‘Inactive’.
A3.--- Alarm 3 Threshold 81
A4.--- Alarm 4 Threshold 82
Home Display.
0 – Standard PV and SP display
1 – PV and Output Power display
2 – PV and Time remaining display
3 – PV and Timer elapsed time display
4 – PV and Alarm 1 setpoint
5 – PV and Load Current
6 – PV only
7 – PV and Composite SP/Time remaining