3200 Series
CS 3216 Operators Manual 37
11. Appendix A - Technical Specifications
Analogue Input
Sample rate 4Hz (250mS)
Calibration accuracy +0.25% of reading +1LSD
Resolution <5, 0.5µV when using a 5 second filter
Linearisation accuracy <0.1% of reading
Input filter Off to 59.9 secs
Zero offset User adjustable over the full display range
Thermocouple Types Refer to Sensor inputs and display ranges table
Cold junction compensation Automatic compensation typically >30 to 1 rejection of ambient
temperature change or external reference 0°C (32°F)
CJC Calibration accuracy <+1.0
C at 25
C ambient
RTD/PT100 Type 3-wire, Pt100 DIN43760
Bulb current 0.2mA
Lead compensation No error for 22 ohms in all 3 leads
Process Linear -10 to 80mV, 0 to 10V with external potential divider module
Current transformer 50mAac into 10 ohm. This burden resistor is fitted inside the controller
Fusing Fit a 2A type T fuse in line with this controller
Digital input
Contact closure or logic 12V @ 5-
Contact open >500Ω
Contact closed <200Ω
Rating: 2-pin relay Min: 12V, 100mA dc Max: 2A, 264Vac resistive
Rating: change-over, alarm relay Min: 12V, 100mA dc Max: 2A, 264Vac resistive
Application Heating, cooling, alarms or valve position
Rating On/High 12Vdc at 5 to 44mA
Off/Low <100mV <100μA
Heating, cooling, alarms or valve position
Current at maximum continuous
0.75 A rms (resistive load)
Minimum and maximum operating
30V rms to 264V rms resistive
Snubber (22nF & 100Ω)
RC snubber must be fitted externally to prevent false triggering under
line transient conditions
DC analogue output
Rating 0-20mA or 4-20mA software configurable
Maximum load resistance
Isolation Not isolated from the sensor input
Applications Heating, cooling or retranmission
Digital Transmission standard EIA-485 2wire or EIA-232 at 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200 baud
Protocols Modbus®
Control functions
Modes PID or PI with overshoot inhibition, PD, PI, P only or On/Off or valve
Application Heating and cooling
Auto/manual Bumpless transfer
Setpoint rate limit Off to 9999 degrees or display units per minute
One-shot tune Automatic calculation of PID and overshoot inhibition parameters
Alarms Types Full scale high or low. Deviation high, low, or band
Modes Latching or non-latching. Normal or blocking action
Up to four process alarms can be combined onto a single output
Current Transformer Input