| Page © Adam Equipment Company 2009
The analyzers have the ability to send or receive data over the serial
interface. Using either the RS-232 or the USB serial interface.
The weighing data can be sent over the interface either automatically or when
the user presses the [Print] key.
The user has control over what data is to be printed.
11.1 RS-232 HARDWARE
The RS-232 interface is a simple 3 wire connection. The input and output
connections are:
Connector: 9 pin D-sub miniature plug
Pin 2 Input to analyzer RXD
Pin 3 Output from analyzer TXD
Pin 5 Signal ground GND
Handshaking is not applied.
Baud rate: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Parity: NONE (=8N1), EVEN (=8E1) or ODD (=8 O 1)
All lines are terminated with carriage return and line feed (<CR><LF>).
In continuous output mode, the serial output format will be a single line in the
form “12.567 g<CR><LF>”.
The USB interface is a standard USB connection. To use the USB interface it
is necessary to plug the analyzer into the USB port of a PC.
The PC will recognise the new device and search for a suitable driver. If
none are found a message will be displayed to guide the user through the
installation of suitable software.