108 Chapter 4
Making Measurements
Making the Spectrum (Frequency Domain) Measurement
Using the Markers
The Marker front-panel key accesses the menu to configure the markers.
If you want to use the marker function in the I waveform window, press
View/Trace, I and Q Waveform, Marker, Trace, I Waveform.
Select 1 2 3 4 - Allows you to activate up to four markers with the
corresponding numbers, respectively. The selected number is
underlined and its function is defined by pressing the
Function key.
The default is 1.
Normal - Allows you to activate the selected marker to read the
frequency and amplitude of the marker position on the spectrum
trace. Marker position is controlled by the
RPG knob.
Delta - Allows you to read the differences in frequencies and
amplitudes between the selected marker and the next.
Function Off - Allows you to define the selected marker function to be
Band Power, Noise, or Off. The default is Off. If set to Band Power, you
need to select
Trace Spectrum - Allows you to place the selected marker on the
Spectrum, Spectrum Avg, Spectrum Linear, Spectrum Avg Linear, I/Q
, I Waveform, or Q Waveform trace. The default is Spectrum.
Off - Allows you to turn off the selected marker.
Shape Diamond - Allows you to access the menu to define the selected
marker shape to be
Diamond, Line, Square, or Cross. The default shape
Marker All Off - Allows you to turn off all of the markers.
The front panel
Search key performs a peak search when pressed. A
marker will automatically be activated at the highest peak.
Measuring Band Power
A band power measurement using the markers calculates the average
power between two adjustable markers. To make a band power
1. Press the
Marker key.
2. Press
Trace, Spectrum to activate a marker on the instantaneous
spectrum signal.
3. Press the
Spectrum Avg key to activate a marker on the average
spectrum trace.
4. Press
Function, Band Power.
5. Two marker lines are activated at the extreme left side of the
horizontal scale. Press
Normal and move marker 1 to the desired
place by rotating the
RPG knob.