34 Chapter 1
Getting Started
Display Annotation
6. Measurement Bar. Displays information about
measurements including some mode setup parameters.
7. Current Measurement Annotation.
8. The Annunciators bar displays annunciators that
indicate that hardware errors, other errors, or specific
instrument states, are detected in the instrument, as
explained below. Error indicators are shown in red text.
Where applicable, some states will appear in green,
indicating that the feature is active and performing
correctly. Informational annunciators are shown in
white text. To view error messages fully you will use
keys in the
Show Errors menu (see page 52). The current
error message with the highest priority will also appear
in the Status/Info Bar that appears at the bottom of the
display. The following annunciators are available:
Unlock - This annunciator indicates that one or
more of the internal phase-locked loops are unable to
maintain a phase-locked state.
Corr Off (corrections off) - This annunciator
appears when the
Corrections softkey is set to off.
Err (error) - This annunciator appears when an
error message is placed in the history error queue. It
will persist until you use the
Clear Error Queue(s) key
to clear the history error queue.
Ext Ref (external reference) - The green
Ext Ref
annunciator indicates that the external reference
has been selected and the instrument is locked to it.
The red
Ext Ref annunciator indicates that the
external reference has been selected, but the
instrument is not locked to that reference. Note that
the external reference on this instrument can be set
at any frequency between 1 and 30 MHz; if the
entered value does not correspond to the external
reference that is in use, a red
Ext Ref annunciator
will appear.
NOTE Be aware that the value entered for the external reference frequency
will persist, even after the instrument has been powered off. The user
must manually enter a new value for the external reference if a
different value is required, even if it corresponds with the default value.
Ext Ref annunciator will appear only if the external reference has
been activated by the user.