194 Index
Even Second error annunciator,
Exit Core Firmware key, 38
exponential averaging
, 91
Ext Front key
, 92
Ext Rear key, 92
external reference
, 35
using an
, 71
External Reference error
, 34
factory defaults, presetting
, 82
FFT Length key, 101
FFT Size menu
, 101
FFT Window key.
, 100
file features, 67
Firmware Revision key
, 74
firmware updates
, 38
floppy disk drive, 28
Frame Timer key, trigger menu
Free Run key, 92
Freq Ref key
, 71
selecting the
, 86
FREQUENCY/channel key
, 86
front panel key menu maps
, 20
front panel keys, 24
Front Panel Test
, 148
Function key
, 96
GPIB Address key
, 69
GPIB cable
, 191
GPIB keys
, 69
hardware configuration keys
, 73
Help key
, 29
Home key
, 28
Host ID key, 74
Host Name key
, 69
HP 13242G Cable
, 42
HP 24542G/H Cable, 42
HP 24542M Cable
, 43
HP 24542U Cable
, 41, 44, 45
HP 5181-6639 Adapter, 45, 46
HP 5181-6640 Adapter
, 44, 45
HP 5181-6641 Adapter
, 44, 45
HP 5181-6642 Adapter, 44, 46
HP 92219J Cable
, 42
HP C2913A/C2914A Cable
, 43
HP F1047-80002 Cable, 41, 45, 46
HP LaserJet printers
, 191
HP sales and service offices
, 184
HP-IB cable
, 191
I and Q waveform view
I or Q waveform window
, 106
I or Q waveform window
amplitude Y scale
, 106
reference position, 106
reference value
, 106
scale coupling
, 107
scale per division, 106
span X scale
, 106
reference position
, 106, 118
reference value, 106, 118
scale coupling
, 106, 119
scale per division
, 106, 118
I origin
I/Q polar window
, 120
I Origin key
, 107
I waveform window
amplitude Y scale
, 119
reference position
, 119
scale coupling, 119
scale per division
, 119
, 69
I/Q Input Z key, 84
I/Q Polar view
waveform measurement
, 120
I/Q polar view
I/Q polar window
, 107, 120
I/Q polar window
amplitude Y scale
, 107
I/Q scale per division
, 107
Q Origin
, 107
I origin, 120
I/Q scale per division
, 120
Q origin
, 120
span X scale, 107
I Origin
, 107
I/Q scale per division
I/Q polar window
, 120
I/Q Scale/Div key
, 107
I/Q Waveform key
, 93
I/Q waveform view
I/Q waveform window
, 119
I/Q waveform window
, 118, 119
amplitude Y scale, 119
reference position
, 119
reference value
, 119
scale coupling, 119
scale per division
, 119
IF Align Signal menu
Signal Amptd key
, 84
Signal Rate key
, 84
Signal Type key
, 84
IF Flatness
advanced spectrum feature
, 102
Input Atten key
, 84
input attenuation
, 84
input configuration, 176
Input menu
50 MHz Ref key
, 83
I/Q key, 83
Port key
, 83
RF key
, 83
input port selection, 178
input/output keys
, 69
external trigger
, 29
I and Q
, 29
inputs, configuration
, 69
Install Now key, 39
installing measurement
, 36
instrument firmware updates, 38
internal reference selection
, 178
IP Address key
, 69
IQ port selection, 178
key access path
, 53
key access table
, 53
key entries, 53
key menu maps
, 20
attaching external
, 31
keywords for licensing
, 74
LAN keys
, 69
LAN-TP connector, 31
Length Ctrl key
, 101
Length key
, 101
Level key, trigger menu, 85
license keys installed
, 74
Line key
, 92
line power input, 31
linear enevelope window
, 118, 119
linear spectrum window
amplitude Y scale
, 105
reference position
, 105
reference value
, 105
scale coupling, 105
scale per division
, 105
Span key
, 105
Load State key, 67
loading an
, 36
placing instrument in
, 76
making basic measurements
, 88