
Chapter 2 79
Using System Features
Using System Configuration and Alignment Keys
Corrections - When set to On (the default state), the alignment
firmware applies many numerical corrections to improve amplitude
accuracy of the measurement. This includes an absolute amplitude
adjustment at center frequency, and IF flatness correction for FFT
spans (spectral measurements). When corrections are Off, the
background alignments which determine corrections are disabled.
Corrections is a background feature which runs automatically, while
the instrument is on.
Time Corr - Time corrections are the application of a complex filter
directly onto the time capture data. It compensates for the complex
(magnitude and phase) response of the analog and digital IF
hardware. Time corrections are less efficient (take more CPU cycles)
than frequency corrections when only scalar (magnitude) FFT
flatness is required, but for demod or other time-based (not FFT)
measurements, only time corrections can improve the flatness of
imperfect IF hardware. If the time correction functionality is set to
Auto (the default), the individual measurements activate the
corrections when they are needed.
Restore Align Defaults - Restores the instruments align defaults.
This feature will only be needed if the instrument calibration locks
up, which may occur as a result of hardware problems. Once the
defaults are restored a message will appear informing you that
alignment is needed.
Visible Align
- When toggled to Off, the alignment traces which are
visible in the display during an alignment will be turned off, and the
alignment process will take less time. When set to High, every
alignment trace is shown, resulting in the alignment taking more
time than when
Visible Align is set to Low (the default state), where
one out of ten traces is shown. Note that text showing alignment
results is displayed on screen when any alignment is activated, even
when the visible alignment is set to Off.