8-18 Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 8
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function compensates capacitance/conductance data measured by using Agi-
lent 4284A C meter, and returns compensation results. If you change the compensa-
tion data, create the compensation data file, and specify the data file using
hpe5250a_selectCompenFile function before executing this function.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC hpe5250a_compenC(ViSession vi,ViReal64 frequency,
ViReal64 len_hptrx, ViReal64 len_usrtrx_h, ViReal64 len_usrtrx_l,
ViReal64 len_usrcoax_h, ViReal64 len_usrcoax_l, ViReal64 raw_c,
ViReal64 raw_g, ViPReal64 compen_c, ViPReal64 compen_g);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from hpe5250a_init( ).
frequency Measurement frequency. 1E3 to 1E6 Hz.
len_hptrx Agilent 16494A triaxial cable. 1.5 or 3.0 m.
len_usrtrx_h Triaxial cable length (in m) between connector plate and DUT
high terminal. If you do not use triaxial cable, enter 0 (zero).
len_usrtrx_l Triaxial cable length (in m) between connector plate and DUT
low terminal. If you do not use triaxial cable, enter 0 (zero).
len_usrcoax_h Coaxial cable length (in m) between connector plate and DUT
high terminal. If you do not use coaxial cable, enter 0 (zero).
len_usrcoax_l Coaxial cable length (in m) between connector plate and DUT
low terminal. If you do not use coaxial cable, enter 0 (zero).
raw_c Capacitance value (in F) measured by the 4284A.
raw_g Conductance value (in S) measured by the 4284A.
compen_c Capacitance compensation result (in F).
compen_g Conductance compensation result (in S).