In This Manual
This manual is a user’s guide for Agilent E5250A, and consists of the following
• Introduction
Provides an overview of the E5250A Low Leakage Switch Mainframe, E5252A
10×12 Matrix Switch, and E5255A 24 (8×3) Channel Multiplexer.
• Installation
Describes requirements to install the E5250A and tasks for installation.
• Executing Self-Test and Leak Test
Describes how to execute the three Self-Test items (Controller Test, Front Panel
Interface Test, and Relay Test) and the Leak Test.
• Setting up Measurement Environment
Explains how to connect your instruments to the E5250A input, and how to
connect the E5250A output to your wafer prober or test fixture.
• Controlling the E5250A
Introduces several methods for controlling the E5250A, gives basic information
for controlling the relay switches on the plug-in cards, and describes how to use
Virtual Front Panel (VFP) utility furnished with the E5250A.
• Programming the E5250A
Describes how to create programs that contain SCPI commands to control the
• Command Reference
Describes the SCPI commands available to operate the E5250A via GPIB
interface and the status reporting structure.
• VXI plug&play Driver
Introduces the VXI plug&play driver available for the E5250A.
• Executing Sample Programs
Explains how to execute and modify the sample programs stored in the program
disk that is furnished with the E5250A.