Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 8 9-13
Executing Sample Programs
Vth and Capacitance Measurement Program
To change the Vth measurement setup
You can EDIT the program to change the following parameters in the "Constant
Definition" block of the Meas_vth subprogram.
To change the E5250A input port/output port connections, change the Channel$
parameter. And if you want to change the E5250A connection functions (Channel
Configuration mode, etc.), modify the Set5250init subprogram.
To change the 4155/4156 measurement setup, change the Param_file$
parameter to the name of your desired setup file.
To change the name of parameter Vth entered from the 4155/4156, change VTH and
Vth to the desired name on the 3 lines shown below. Where VTH is the parameter
defined by the E5252.MES setup file.
• Meas_vth subprogram, "Measurement" block:
OUTPUT @Hp415x;":TRAC? 'VTH'"
ENTER @Hp415x;Vth
• Meas_vth subprogram, "Test measurement data" block:
IF Vth<Vth_min OR Vth>Vth_max THEN
• Meas_vth subprogram, "Reset Instrument" block:
OUTPUT Out_str$ USING Img1;Test_num,Result$,Vth_min,V
Parameter Description Default
Test_comm$ Comment for the measurement. "MOSFET Vth Measurement"
Param_file$ 4155/4156 setup file to use. "E5252.MES"
Vth_max The maximum Vth limit in V. 2.0
Vth_min The minimum Vth limit in V. 0.1
Channel$ E5250A channel_list to use. "(@10101,10202,10303,10404)"