9-10 Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 8
Executing Sample Programs
Vth and Capacitance Measurement Program
Execute the program as follows:
1. LOAD the Vth and C measurement program as following example.
2. Link the Capacitance Compensation Routine by using the LOADSUB ALL
statement as in following example.
3. Eject the E5250A Program Disk from the disk drive connected to the computer.
4. Insert the E5250A Program Disk into the 4155/4156's disk drive. Setup file
E5252.MES is stored on the disk and is used to set up 4155/4156 for the Vth
5. RUN the program.
6. After the measurement, measurement results are displayed on the computer as
shown in example in Figure 9-2.
Figure 9-2 Example of Vth and C Measurement Results
Comment :Vth&CMeas.SampleProgram
Test Time : 30 Sep 1995 10:29:27
# P/F Min. Meas. Max. Comment
1 P 10.000E-002 18.255E-001 20.000E-001 MOSFET Vth Measurement
2 F 8.000E-12 2.164E-11 2.000E-11 Capacitance Measurement