Editing Effects
104 QuadraSynth Reference Manual
The Delay function is used to edit Delay parameters.
Delay (Page 1)
The QuadraSynthÕs effects processor has three different Delay types available.
Note: Some delay modules only feature a mono Delay, and therefore the Delay Type
parameter will be unavailable. Instead the parameters normally found on page 2 of
the Delay function are shown in page 1, and there are no other pages (please refer to
next section for a description of those parameters).
Delay Type
Ping-Pong. This is called a ÒPing Pong DelayÕ because the output bounces from side
to side (left to right) in stereo with the speed determined by the delay time. The
maximum delay time is 399 milliseconds.
Stereo Delay. The Stereo Delay is actually two separate delays, which can be
individually varied. The maximum delay time for each delay is 399 ms.
Mono. The Mono Delay has the advantage of twice the available delay time, or 799
ms in Configuration #1, 1199 ms in Configuration #2.
Delay (Pages 2 and 3)
In Page 2 of the Delay Function you will find the remaining parameters for the Delay
function. If the Stereo Delay type is selected, you can press PAGE [®] again to
advance to Page 3. This is because the Stereo Delay type has parameters for both the
Left and Right channels.
Quad Knob [1] is used to balance the Delay Input between the signal coming from
the Pitch effect output (if applicable) and the dry effect send.
Time/Left Time/Right Time
This is the actual Delay time, which determines the amount of time the input signal
will be delayed. Use Quad Knob [2] to adjust the delay time in 10 ms intervals; use
Quad Knob [3] to adjust the delay time in 1 ms intervals.
Feedback/Left Feedback/Right Feedback
Quad Knob [4] is used to adjust the Delay Feedback, which is a portion of the delay
signal output being Òfed backÓ into the input. This results in the delay repeating
itself. The more feedback, the more repeats.