Editing Programs
QuadraSynth Reference Manual 61
Sets the oscillator pitch in cents, from -99 (transposed down 99/100 of a semitone) to
+99 (transposed up 99/100 of a semitone).
Detune Type (Normal or Equal)
With Normal selected, the percentage of detuning remains the same over the entire
range of the keyboard, so the effects of detuning sound the same no matter which
key you play. With Equal selected, the absolute amount of detuning remains the same
over the entire keyboard, so any detuning seems less pronounced as you play higher
up on the keyboard.
Pitch (Page 2)
Range (0 to 12 semitones)
Determines the maximum amount of pitch bend when the pitch bend wheel is either
full forward or back. Example: When set to 12, the pitch wheel will bend ±1 octave
(12 semitones).
Depth (-99 to +99)
At +00, aftertouch has no effect on . Applying aftertouch (by pressing harder on the
keyboard, or via MIDI messages) with this parameter set to a positive value raises
the pitch; conversely, applying aftertouch through a negative value lowers the pitch.
The higher the number (either positive or negative), the greater the amount of pitch
change for a given amount of aftertouch.
Tip: Aftertouch is useful for creating keyboard-controlled string bend effects. Low
settings are good for ÒhumanizingÓ synthesized sounds, since aftertouch changes can
give very slight pitch changes, as associated with acoustic instruments.
Depth (-99 to +99)
At +00, the pitch LFO has no effect. Higher positive values increase the amount of
Pitch LFO modulation. Negative values give the same apparent effect, but with
reversed LFO phase (i.e., if the pitch would normally be increasing with depth set to
a positive number, the pitch would instead be decreasing at that same moment had
the depth been set to a negative number). Pitch LFO parameters (such as speed and
wave shape) are programmed within the PLFO Function (see page 70).
Pitch Envelope Depth (-99 to +99)
At +00, the pitch envelope has no effect. Positive values raise the pitch from the
baseline according to the envelope shape, while negative values similarly lower the
pitch. The higher the number (negative or positive), the greater the effect. Pitch
Envelope parameters (such as attack and decay time) are programmed within the
PENV Function (see page 74).