Global Settings
114 QuadraSynth Reference Manual
In Page 5 of Global Edit mode, Quad Knob [1] determines the MIDI Program Select
mode (Off, On, Mix Select Channel 1Ñ16). When set to Off, the QuadraSynth will not
respond to incoming MIDI program change messages, nor will it transmit program
When turned On, the QuadraSynth will respond to incoming program change
messages, but it will respond differently depending on whether Program mode or
Mix mode is selected.
In Program mode, the MIDI [¬] and [®] buttons determine on which MIDI channel
the QuadraSynth will receive MIDI program change messages (as well as other
messages, like notes, controllers, etc.). The Program recalled will be the same number
as the MIDI program change message that is received, from whichever bank (Preset
or User) is currently selected. When a Program is recalled from the front panel, the
QuadraSynth will transmit the equivalent program change message on this same
MIDI channel.
In Mix mode, when MIDI Program select is on, program changes received on any of
the 16 MIDI channels will be received by the same numbered MIDI channels in the
current Mix. The Mix itself will not respond to program changes.
When set to Mix Select Channel 1Ñ16, the QuadraSynth will change mixes in
response to program change messages received on the same MIDI channel as
selected by this parameter, from whichever bank (Preset or User) is currently
selected. Program change messages received on any other channel (other than the
one selected by this parameter) will change the individual Programs in the Mix on
the same channels the messages are received on.
The Quad Knobs [1]Ñ[4] have two editing modes: Immediate and Pass-thru. When
using the Quad Knobs to adjust parameter values, you may prefer using one mode
over the other.
In Page 5 of Global Edit mode, Quad Knob [3] determines the Edit Mode of the four
Quad Knobs. When set to Immediate, parameter values jump immediately to the
Quad KnobÕs exact position the moment it is moved. When set to Pass-thru, the Quad
Knob must be turned beyond the parameterÕs current setting before it becomes ÒliveÓ
and begins adjusting the parameterÕs value.
48 KHz Clock Input
In Page 6 of Global Edit mode, Quad Knob [1] turns the 48 kHz Clock Input on and
off. When turned off, the QuadraSynth uses its own internal sample clock as a
reference for playing back the sampled sounds that make up a Program or Mix.
However, if you are recording the QuadraSynth to ADAT using the Digital Out fiber
optic cable and also have a BRC Master Remote Controller, the QuadraSynth must
receive a 48 kHz clock signal from the BRC in order to maintain perfect sync with the
ADAT system. This requires that you connect a BNC-to-BNC cable between the
BRCÕs 48 kHz Clock Out to the QuadraSynthÕs 48 kHz Clock In. When you are ready